Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear James,
Today you got to watch TV with mommy. I know I never let you watch! But today was a Royal Wedding and I thought it would be fun for you to see. You are my little prince and some day you will marry a princess in a beautiful castle (temple) and you will live happily ever after!
I love you James

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear James,
Today we were playing with your blocks and you love to eat them but today I thought I would show you how to clap 2 of them together and you just stared at me and then grabbed another one and clapped them together just like me and looked at me for approval! I was so proud of you!
I love you James

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dear James,
I can not believe that you are 6 months old! That is just so crazy!
Something that I find interesting is that today is the 26th and you are 26 weeks (6 months)
So here are you stats for today
Height: 27 in (70%)
Head: 44cm (55%)
Weight: 15.5 (15%)
(don't worry you are not too skinny)

James I have only had you for half a year but I have loved every second of it! I have loved watching you grow and learn. I am so grateful you have been so healthy and strong, and you have been wonderful! You have never had a bad day and every day you have smiled at me (and I mean every single day since the day you were born!)
You are amazing and have made me the happiest person in the world!
I can't wait for the next half a year and the many many years to come!
I love you James!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dear James,
Today was your first Easter! You got all dressed up in your cute little Easter outfit and we went to grandmas ward. We then took some family pictures at the Jacob Hamblin home.
And while we were gone at church the Easter Bunny came and hid lots of eggs for you to find. You liked to go around with daddy and find all of them.

(This was supposed to be your handprint)

The bunny even left you a carrot for you to try later.
I then cooked your carrot for you and mashed it up and then tried to give it to you weren't to thrilled with it. But I thought it was really funny.
I love you James

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear James,
You LOVE your daddy!
You guys were so cute snuggling together! I had to take a picture!

Today was the St. George Art Festival. It was such a nice day and you had a blast looking at all the fun colors.

I think you were trying to look just like this frog!

you loved the water features there too!

You then got so excited to help dye easter eggs, and even had to taste a few of them
I love you James

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear James,
This week was a little hard for you. You just couldn't sleep very well because you were too hot and then you got some allergies and you are teething so you had a little fever.
We went to play at Jessica's and you played with grandma. We even got to spend the night at your friend Autumn's house.
You got your 6 month baby pictures taken and even tried swimming in a little pool grandma got you.
We went to See's candy and went to grandma's school
Finally daddy came and you were so excited!
I love you James

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear James,
Today your friend Autumn had her birthday party. You had fun watching all the other kids fly kites and then the Hula dancers.
You then got tired and fell asleep on picnic table.
I love you James

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear James,
Today we left daddy at home and drove down to St. George for a week. It was nap time so you just fell asleep and slept the whole way down. The last 20 min you woke up and just started talking to yourself and playing with a toy. You are always so great!
We then went to Doug's family picnic and you got to meet some of step aunts and uncles and cousins. You had a lot of fun.
You're are so gosh darn cute
I love you James

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dear James,
You got a bouncer! You love it and had it mastered in a few short minutes. You just bounce all over the place and think it's the best thing in the world. You were looking into your room and I called your name so you just bounced your way in a circle to look at me and you had the biggest smile on your face!
You like to stand straight up then relax and just swing yourself back and forth. It's great!
I love you James

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear James,
One of your favorite toys is to play with plastic bottles so I gave you the giant Dr. Pepper bottle. You played and played with it. You would swing it above your head hit yourself with it you would yell at it then have a nice long conversation with it and some times you acted as if you had drunk the whole bottle!
Then when you were done you just leaned back and sighed. You are so cute!
I love you James

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dear James,
Happy April Fools Day! Today your April fools joke was to pee out of your diaper, the first time you have done that since you were a month!
It was also a little warmer today so I thought I wold put you in the grass and take a picture. You really weren't too thrilled with the grass...
We then went over to celebrate Sarah's Birthday party and you snuck a strawberry. So I of course had to take a picture of you eating it before I took it away...I also love how your little belly is sticking out
I also thought this picture of you and your gramps was really precious.
I love you James!