Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear James,
This weekend we drove down to Grandma's house. It was Aunt Kelsey's 20th birthday!
You tried to eat the heal of some french bread...
You slept in your big boy pajamas...
And you and daddy took lots of naps together...
We had lots of fun.
I love you James

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear James,
WHAT! You are 7 months old!!!! When did that happen! You are growing up so fast and I love watching every minute of it.
You can scoot around on your bum (you get around the house very slowly but that doesn't seem to bother you)
You can say mama, dada, and bla bla
You click your tongue and spit and blow raspberries
You love to eat Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Carrots and you are warming up to Sweet Peas.
I playing with you ever day and reading and singing....It's all so much fun
I love you James

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear James,
Seriously, you are so gosh darn cute! I can hardly stand it! look at your face!
I love you James

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dear James,
Sleepy head....

Poopy face....
I love you James

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear James,
You LOVE fry! He is your doggie and you guys are best buds and always will be. You guys are best friends forever.
I love you James

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dear James,
You are such a strange little monkey. You like to suck your thumb through your pacifier. I think it's kinda cute and silly.
You also like to sit on dads shoulders and pull on his hair and make silly sounds.
I love you James

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dear James,
Today was a fun day! We went to the Kidz and Baby Expo. I entered you into the cutest baby concert but when it was your turn to go onto the stage I had just woken you up and you had no idea what was going on so you got a little fussy so you didn't win but you were one of the finalist. You also got to meet Mrs. Utah.
While we were standing and waiting around you started to gnaw on my finger like you always do and there it was! You had a tooth! We had no idea, you hadn't been complaining or anything!
After we went to go get some lunch/dinner and you were SO tired you just slept on the bench the whole time.
I love you James

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear James,
Today we had a playgroup over at the University Mall. You loved to watch all the kids running around and playing and you are so eager to get out there and play too!
You thought it was so much fun to sit in the Dinosaurs mouth.
I love you James

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear James,
Nuf said...
I love you James

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dear James,
Here are some of your nick-names: Monkey, Bubba, Duck Face, James-o, Snuggles, Snuggle bum, Chunky monkey, Gerber baby, Buddy (bud), Buddha baby, Stinky butt, Cutest Baby in the world!!!
I love you James

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dear James,
Today Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. While mommy and daddy cleaned Grandpa Doug took you on a walk then laid in the grass with you and you both took a nap. So Cute!
I love you James

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dear James,
Today was daddy's birthday. He turned 30!!! So today we went to go visit him at BYU and have lunch with him. It was such a nice surprise for him you even brought him cupcakes. ( I some how don't have any pictures of that....)

I love you James

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear James,
Today we had to run a lot of errands and by the time we got to the last store you were pooped! You fell asleep while daddy was holding you.
You are just so stinking cute!
I love you James

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear James,
Today is a very special day for me and it was all because of you! Today was my very first Mother's day! I am so happy that you made me a mommy!
Sleeping in and having you cuddle with me was the best gift I got all day!
You and daddy made me breakfast in bed and then we went to church and when the primary kids started to sing you wanted to sing along with them. After church you gave me the cutest card and a plate that had your foot prints on it and you drew on it. I absolutely love it and will keep it forever!

I am so happy that you picked me to be your mommy. You are the cutest, happiest baby in the whole world!
I love you James

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear James,
I know I've said this before but you love love love bath time! You just roll around and kick and play and sing! You could just stay in there forever!
I love you James

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear James,
You are so strange and I love it! You don't like to sit normally in shopping carts you always turn yourself sideways and just "chill".
Today at the store you were sitting like this and there was baby girl about your same age in another cart that had a cushion insert and you tried to get her attention and smiled and bounced up and down, but she just looked at you and gave you the "whatever" look. You looked so crushed but it was still cute.
I love you James

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear James,

"Hey mom I'm just going to go outside ok?"

"Hey there's a screen there"

I love you James

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dear James,
Today you really wanted to go play outside. The only way to make you happy while I got ready was to put your highchair in front of the sliding glass door so you could watch the dogs play.

Finally we went outside so you could play and mommy could do some yard work. You love to be outside and I hope the weather stays nice so I can take you out everyday!

Then daddy came home and needed to mow the lawn and you wanted to help.
And this last picture shows how big you can open your mouth when you're eating your veggies
I love you James

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dear James,
You are too young to truly understand but today a very wicked and evil man died and you should be proud to live in a free country.
I love you James