Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dear James,

Grandpa came today! He was only here for a minute but you were happy to see him! When he was leaving he said bye bye and so you thought you were going with him and turned and said bye bye to me!
After he had been gone for a while you jumped down and started saying grandpa? grandpa? and went knocking on all the doors looking for him.

I love you James

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dear James,

Again I said something I didn't think I would ever say... "James, don't lick the sofa!"
We were letting you lick some of a sucker and you thought it would be a good idea to start licking the couch.

You also like to push your chair up right in front of the TV and stand there and watch it! I don't let you do it but I had to take a picture of it!

I love you James

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dear James,

Today you wanted to shave like daddy so I helped you put shaving cream on!

Today you made me say the strangest sentence I think I have ever said today... I had to say "James don't put cheese in your ear!"
I had gotten you a cheese and cracker snack and after 10 minutes or so you thought it might be a good idea to put cheese inside your ear! I have no idea where you learn these things from.

Napping with daddy 
We went grocery shopping tonight and all of a sudden you started saying "dog dog woof woof woof" So I looked around and saw the giant dog on the chair so I sat you next to it.

I love you James

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear James,

We are trying a new sleeping thing with you and tonight was your first full night of it.  Every time I came in to check on you, you had taken off your pants and thrown them across the room!
You are so silly! (even if you are crying)

I love you James

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear James,

You had your 15 month check up today!
Height- 31in (50%)
Head- 48 cm (75%)
Weight- 20 lbs (5%)

You are just so skinny but you eat like a pig! I can't feed you enough! But the doctor isn't worried about it so I guess I wont worry to much either. 

You also love to dance to the Song "I'm sexy and I know it"  you are so strange but so much fun!

I love you James 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dear James,

Bath time is by far your favorite time of day! Your new favorite thing to do is to line your toys up along the side of the tub and once they are all up there you pull them all back in really fast.
Then you like to take one and make it "walk" back and forth.

Then I tell you to put your toys away and you do! ( You then dump them out again but you have a blast)
Also, earlier today I asked you if you needed your diaper changed and you said "yesssss" and walked down the hall to go have your diaper changed.

I love you James

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear James,

It finally snowed enough that you could play in it! We were up in Salt Lake for a little bit and you thought it was amazing to watch the snow fall.

Back at home you had fun playing outside in the snow too.

I love you James

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dear James,

I missed you!!! You had so much fun with Grandma and everyone! and you are so spoiled now!!!

You were happy to see us but you acted like we had never been gone, except if one of us tried to leave the room you would chase after us.

We got you some fun stuff from Mexico and the cruise.

I'm happy to have you back all to myself!

I love you James

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear James,

Oh no what am I going to do without you for a full week! Daddy and I are going on vacation and you get to stay and play with Grandma and Grandpa and Gigi and Papa! You are so lucky but I will miss you!

I love you James

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear James,

You love to (try) to put on your own shoes and socks.  Sometime you put them on the wrong foot but I still think it's cute and you are always so proud of yourself.
I love it

I love you James.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear James,

Yesterday you started to pull your diaper down and wear it low ridding and walk around the house like that.

Today I was doing laundry and you decided that you needed to help put your clothes away.  I love it! You would follow me into our rooms and help put things in drawers.  I didn't even care that I had to refold half of them.

I love playing with you!

I love you James

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear James,

You got to see your cousin Charlie today! Last time you saw him he was just a tiny baby now he is 6 months old!

I love you James

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dear James,
You are happy to be getting back to a normal schedule.
It's kinda strange for January to not have any snow but it's also nice because we get to still play out side.

You also love to take your bubble baths back in your own tub!

I love you James

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dear James
Happy New Year!!! It's now 2012! We celebrated by going to Denny's here in St. George. We had fun and you got your very own soda! But instead of eating your quesadilla you decided you wanted to eat the BBQ sauce instead.

We had a count down and when we got to Happy New Year you threw your hands up in the air and said "YAY"

When we got home you fell asleep on the table with Grandpa.

I love you James