Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear James,

You are 11 months! You are just a ball of joy!
-You can walk
-You say Hi and Bye while waving
- You say Uh-oh when you drop something, or when ever you feel it's appropriate
- We talk and have conversations all day long (you love the sound of your own voice)
- We started a swim class today!
- You clap all the time for yourself and for mom or dad when we do something good
- You love to put lids on things and take then off
-You put your own toys away (but immediately take them out again)
-You can use a straw
-Your favorite show is Signing Time, and you like to "sign" along (It's the only show you are allowed to watch)
-Fry is your best friend and you like to "kiss" (eat) the dog
- You eat anything and everything
-You talk to everyone you meet and every stops to talk to you
- You are the bestest baby in the world!

I love you James!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dear James,

You love to walk around and you are really getting the hang of it! I love watching you wobble around. You are so proud of yourself!

I love you James

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dear James,
You are so strange but I love you! You will crawl around and then stop and lay down and put your head down and "say" night night. You like to lay down on the boppy and you'll push it all over the room and just lay on it. You are so cute

I love you James

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear James,
Oh goodness... today I gave you some peanut butter to distract you while I worked out and afterwards you were covered in it! So I put you in the tub. Well I had just turned off the water when I noticed it...YOU POOPED! So gross! You pooped in the tub for the first time. I know it wont be the last but still so gross!
Despite that I still love you :)

I love you James

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dear James,
Today was your first BYU vs Utah game. You looked so cute in your jersey and your jeans. Grandma and Grandpa Doug came up and you got to play with them for a little while.
When we went to the store everyone thought you were the cutest little cougar ever!

Unfortunately BYU didn't do so well and we lost :(
But I did get some great video of you walking a lot. Seriously by the end of the week you'll be doing it more then crawling!

I love you James
Dear James
I'm kinda sad. I had all of these blogs saved on here, and all I had to do was add pictures. But for some reason they disappeared I can't find them anywhere. I'm really bummed! But the good news is, is that I do keep a hand written journal so all of your fun stories aren't completely lost.
I am going do some back blogs but mostly just about picture and/or big events but not all of them ( I love you but I really don't want to sit and type out your whole journal!)
I'm sorry
I love you James

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear James,
You drew on the wall for what I know is not going to be the last time! I don't know how you got the pen without me noticing and how you got the cap off! I just thought you were having fun banging on the wall when I noticed that it was turning pink! So I quickly grabbed my camera and took a few pictures first. I washed all the ink off the wall but you my friend are pink and it's not coming off! I'm so glad you can make me laugh!

I love you James

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dear James,
All I need to do is get you a box and you'll be happy.

I love you James

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear James,
We spent the weekend in California. We went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Teri. It was the first time you flew on an airplane and you loved it. Both on the flight out and on the way back you slept the whole way without even making a sound.
The first thing we did was go to the beach. It was kinda cool the at day but you loved to play in the sand. The water, on the other hand was not so fun. I even tried to take naked bum pictures but you didn't think it was that fun (sorry bud).
On Sunday you were lucky enough to see all of your grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa Doug were out Gma and Gpa's church. And then your Oma and Opa came to a BBQ and Grandpa and Grandma Teri's house.
On our last day there we of course had to go to San Francisco. We drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and went to Pier 39. And of course we had to have lunch at Boudins.

But like always you were happy to come back home and see daddy.
I love you James