Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dear James,

Today you found a CD cover and decided that you would make funny faces at me through it!

I love you James

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear James,

I think you are the cutest funniest thing in the whole world!

I love you James

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear James,

You love to help with the shopping! Sometimes you want to do it all by your self

I love you James

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dear James,

We got to fly out to California to spend Thanksgiving with Oma and Opa!  Gramps and Grams took us to the airport and it was snowing! When we got out of the car you would not let go of Gramps! You just started screaming if we even got close to you and just clung on to him tighter!  Finally we did have to take you so we could go through security and everything. But it was really sweet and cute!
Once we got on the plane we put you in your car seat and you were out before we even took off. I love how good of a flyer you are!

You loved to play at Oma and Opa's! You loved to play with Sam and climb all over him! You loved to sit in the little rocking chair they had.

We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory

I got to go around and take pictures for people there in Morgan Hill so you got to stay and play at the house. You guys had so much fun!

One day though we took you with us when I took pictures for your great aunt Cami. The place we went had a huge chess set and you loved playing with all the pieces!

It was finally Thanksgiving!  I got to help bake some pies and rolls and you had fun playing with Papa Greg, Mama Teri, and Nana (They came to visit and help celebrate the holiday with us!)
You loved all the food but I think you liked to play with it more then eat it!
Later that night you snuggled up with Opa on the sofa and fell asleep.  You love to cuddle with all your grandparents and they all just love it!

Sadly it was time to leave.  Our flight was late at night so when we got to the airport we changed you into your pj's and got you all ready to fall asleep as soon as we got on the plane.
While we were waiting in line you had to wave to everyone that was walking past and kept saying "bye bye" And they all thought you were so cute and funny!
On the plane you got to sit by daddy this time and instead of falling asleep you decided that you were wide awake and wanted to play. I couldn't help but laugh!

We made it safely home and you are happy to be sleeping in your own bed!

I love you James!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dear James,

We are going to California soon so we decided to put our Christmas tree early.  You thought it was so much fun! You were dancing around and singing to the music we were playing. You also loved to crawl in and out of the box the tree was in.

I love you James

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dear James,

Tonight we were putting you to bed and put you in your crib and daddy and I sat on the futon in your room.  All of the sudden you jumped up and started pointing down the hall so I took you out and put you down. You made me go sit back down with daddy, walked out of the room saying bye bye, night night  walked into our room and closed the door!  We just started laughing! You decided that we needed to sleep in your room and you in ours.  You always make me laugh!

I love you James

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dear James,
You decided to go naked golfing today.  After your bath instead of letting me put on your diaper you just jumped down and started golfing. I love it!

I love you James

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dear James,
Grandpa and Mama Teri came to town to visit you! First we took some family pictures and of course you stole the show (that's ok though, you are the cutest out of all of us)
Later we went to your very first BYU football game! You had so much fun helping us cheer them on!

Again it was so cold but we bundled you up and did our best to keep you warm.  But at half time you had had enough and so we took you back to Gramps and Grams house where we finished watching the game and waited for everyone else who stayed.
You didn't care though you had fun playing with all the toys gramps pulled out for you.
I love you James

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dear James,

Lunch just really takes it out of you!

I love you James 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear James,
Today was such a fun day! First it was mommy's birthday, and I turned 25!
But before we celebrated we bundled up and went and watched Kelsey run her triathlon. It was supper cold but we had fun cheering her on.

Later we came back home and we had some ice cream cake and you helped me blow out the candle! I think you thought it was your birthday again!

I love you James

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dear James,
I don't know whats up with you? The last couple of nights you will fall asleep so easily like you normal do but then you have been waking up almost exactly an hour later! You need a little more love and cuddling then you are back to sleep.  Then you wake up around 2am want a little more love, then back to sleep... Then 4am hits and no matter what we do or what we try you will have nothing to do with sleeping in your bed! You have ended up in bed with us the last 3 nights! I don't mind too much but daddy and I can't sleep when you are in bed with us. You kick dad and almost kick him out of bed and I am just your worried momma that wakes up with every movement and sound you make and when your not making sound I worry that my pillow is on top of your face!
I love you kid but you really need to sleep in your own bed!

I love you James