Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dear James,

Today was the day you found out you are going to have a baby sister! I don't quite think you get the whole concept of things but you do call my belly "baby sister" now.
Grandma came up and surprised all of us!
Don't tell anyone but you are the only one who knows her first name!
I know that you will be the best big brother ever and protect and teach your little sister.

But James I want you to know that you will always be my baby and you are always loved!

I love you James

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dear James,

Happy Halloween! Last night was Halloween and you were crazy excited! I made sure that you knew everything about it.  We sang Mean Old Witch and Halloween Tree. You loved watching "The Halloween movie" (Nightmare Before Christmas) And you loved going shopping in the halloween stores!

For Halloween you were a Skeleton! I painted your face and everything! You thought it was great!
You were also old enough to actually do real trick or treating!
You got that down fast! You were so cute going door to door. Everyone thought you were so adorable when you said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". They basically dumped the whole bowl into your bucket!
You had a blast!
When we came back home you thought it was great to hand out candy to the other kids too.

Daddy had to run to the store and he took you with him but you were so tired that you fell asleep and when you got home and I was washing your face you hardly twitched!

I love you James!