Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dear James,

Today we had your Birthday Party! Grandma and Grandpa came up just in time to help celebrate.
You were tired and ended up napping right before everyone showed up, so when you did wake up you were a little cranky but warmed up fast. You had so much fun!

We had a chili bar and lots of yummy treats.

Your invitation 

People who came:
Mommy and Daddy
Grandma and Grandpa
Aunt Kelsey
Uncle Garrett and (soon-to-be) Aunt Adrienne
Gramps and Grams
Aunt Julie
Cousin Emily
Alyssha, Lars, Rion and Owen

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dera James,

Happy Birthday Monkey! You are 2 years old today! You are getting so big! I can't believe how fast you have grown up!

Some things about you:
-You still comfort yourself with your fingers (and mommies fingers)
-Your favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Club House and Word World
-You love grapes and oranges
-You love french fries
-You love Buddy your monkey
-You love to go shopping with daddy
-You love to sing (twinkle twinkle, Sunbeam, Child of God, ABC's....)
-You love to read (you have most of your books memorized)
-You love to count everything!
-You still have a dimple in your nose (and it is so cute!)
-You love to go to the park and pretend you are afraid of the big slide but end up going on it a hundred times
-You have such an imagination and love to cook in your kitchen or make your toys talk and walk around
-You love to say your prayers
-You love to go to church and Nursery and you are always so reverent and good and happy to go to Nursery

Height: 34in 50%
Weight: 24.8 10%
Head: 49.8 75%

For your Birthday Mommy and Daddy got you a new bed! And you love it you don't even care that we took your crib away.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear James,

You are just so smart!
You love to count to 10 {11-20 get a little mixed up ;)  }
You love to practice your alphabet
You sing most of your primary songs without any help
You sing most songs without any help!
You love to read your books and can recite them almost word for word

You are also so sweet!
When mommy dosen't feel good you give me a "giant hug and a little kiss" and ask if mommy is ok?
You share your platypus with the baby in my tummy
You sing and talk to and kiss the baby
You love to help clean up and even get mad at me if I try and help you
You just love to snuggle whenever you can

You love to pray even if it's just "Heavenly Father Amen"
You love nursery and your teachers always say that you are so perfect and share with everyone
You love Jesus and you always say "Jesus loves me"
You love to go to church and visiting the temple
You love to play with your friends and always get sad when they have to go

You are just my perfect little kid!

I love you James